Sonntag, 23. September 2012


I just found this blog after a looooooong time! So what's changed? I'll put it in a list.

1. Still single, it's been 3 years since I last had a date.
2. I've graduated from uni, worked 2 jobs and shall shortly be moving back to Germany!
3. It turns out that twitter business has really taken off so perhaps I shouldn't have been so hasty back in '09

So I'm pretty much writing this to make up for the fact that I got friendzoned pretty hard today. I've been chatting to / flirting with this girl for a couple of weeks now and let's get one thing straight right from the get go, she's WAY below my league but even so I pursued it out of pure desperation thinking that perhaps women are like busses, which I guess they are, it's just they don't come along in twos, it's that they're huge and unreliable. So even though I felt like I was scraping the barrel I was ready to give her a shot, turns out though this troll princess prefers ex-cons with 2 kids. 

I honestly think my love life has been cursed, I just don't know what to do! After years of being told to be more confident I finally build up my confidence, it seems to be working, then once more I'm left high and dry. 

So let's focus on the positives, she's never going to see this because who reads blogs?

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