Montag, 24. September 2012

Wow so yesterday's blog got four views! Six today?

I got four views yesterday! YAY! I can't understand why though, but oh well that's awesome and I think I might stick to this blogging lark.

So maybe I should re-introduce myself. I'm Tom, 23, single, white, graduate, more than a little fat, fan of travel, languages, gastronomy and trying to make people laugh. It really sounds like I've got the whole package there doesn't it? I guess I do too in a tragic "if only you really knew sort of a way". Nah I'm playing I think I'm pretty cool with myself right now, sure yesterday was a blow to the system, but I think in reality I just dodged a pretty blancmange like bullet really.
I know I should be less judgemental but it's what society has programmed me to do, make snap decisions based almost entirely on external appearance. The message really being that nobody will buy a fugly assed book.

I digress, yes, so I'm moving back to Germany soon, this time to work there rather than just study, which if it all works out will be great. I can't help feel like I'm taking a huge risk just upping sticks and relocating to an entirely different country but at the same time I know I can't stay here in the UK not using my language and stewing in a dead-end job. I feel lied to really, my whole life I was told that if I tried hard in school, studied well at uni then despite the big debts at the end of it all would be a shiny well paid job with my name on. BULLSHIT. Well at least not in the UK anyway, so yeah, fuck this place!

I'm moving to Bremen and have a room lined up in a WG which should be great, one of my mates from Uni will be living with us too so I'll know someone which is amazing! I haven't really spent that much time in Bremen before, I've been for a couple of visits but that was with an ex of mine and I spent most of the time distracted by her. As for northern Germany as a whole I'm really not too sure what to expect, memory tells me it's pretty flat which is right up my street coming from Norfolk. Nobody has ever convinced me of the need for hills!

Another cool thing about Bremen is how close it is to The Netherlands and Denmark so I'm sure I'll be making some excursions for some pancakes and lego! If anyone reads this and has any tips for where to go leave a comment!

I'll be back tomorrow I'm sure so I'll sign off for now.


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