Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010

Mmm well,

So okay, I MIGHT have said that the next blog would be written in the UK, and although that had very much been my intention I just didn't get round to it, alright?!
So yeah have been back in Germany a couple of weeks now. "So what's new?" I hear no body ask, well actually not so much, getting back into the swing of things with classes, the weather is much better too. I mean I love the snow as much as any small, easily entertained child, but really even the most awesome toy gets dull after a while so I have to admit I'm glad that the snow has mostly melted now.
After all that means spring is almost, nearly, shortly, begining, to consider thinking about arriving. Which is, as I have been lead to belive, a good thing. I think.
However it is still very much winter right now so I suppose I shouldn't get too ahead of myself!
Although it will be nice to ditch the big old leather coat!!
Ergh got two straight days of Mittelstufe, and yes that does mean class on a Saturday, for the first time in my life, ever.
If a lecturer is away back home they just send you an email of the class notes, or puts them up on Blackboard, here they move the class to the weekend because that's when they know when everyone is free. It's bullshit I tells you, bullshit!
Well that's the ranty bit over really, no actually, entirely.
So to end on a whimsical note, If we could build a car that could go from 0-60mph as fast as a woman can go from 0-Psycho, drag races would be over much, much quicker.

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