Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

So I really need to find a job soon

I've got the money saved, chosen a city, got a room in a house arranged, putting the finishing touches on my moving plans, now all I have to do is find a job.

So let me explain, over the last year I've worked a couple of jobs, one I loved the other I hated. The problem with both is that they weren't going anywhere and what with the graduate job market being what it is in the UK I couldn't see things picking up soon. So I got to thinking, drastic times call for drastic measures! I'm single, have some savings, I don't have any long term job prospects here, so why not just up and move to Germany? After all I speak the language and I've lived there before and loved it! 

I'd mulled it over for months, and really to many it seemed a pipe-dream, German friends telling me they'd never do something so crazy as that, well guess what it's happening! I've got everything in order except for one small detail, a job!

Yeah so I know this seems like a pretty major oversight, but don't panic just yet, at least I'm not panicking just yet. I've been sending out CVs on emails, applying to jobs online and gotten some pretty good responses, but the one downside is the fact I'm often told that they want to meet me in person so I need to be there. So that's why I'm not yet panicking. I hope they weren't just being polite and trying to use that as an excuse rather than tell me up-front that I just don't cut the mustard.

I also have another work dilemma, I mean, what should I do? Half of me thinks that I should try to find work in the office of a growing tech or engineering firm, perhaps something in customer relations or sales, and make a tonne of money. The other half thinks that I shouldn't sell my soul like that and try to find something that makes me happy and pays the bills. I'm not an overly materialistic kind of guy and I have no problem working 35 hours a week in a cafe for barely nothing. I just don't know what would make me happier. 

I also feel like working in a cafe or book-shop would be a total waste of £24,000 of student debt, surely I should be looking to contribute more to the national coffers whilst at the same time reaping the rewards of my labour, at least in a fiscal sense. I guess my biggest stumbling block is that as a kid I always thought I'd grow up to make lots of money and have a high-powered job, but now that I've grown up I'm pretty sure I'd hate it and I wonder if all the shiny gadgets and beautiful cars could make up for it. I mean, maybe? Right?

Help me out if you can blogger!

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