Mittwoch, 26. September 2012

So I really need to find a job soon

I've got the money saved, chosen a city, got a room in a house arranged, putting the finishing touches on my moving plans, now all I have to do is find a job.

So let me explain, over the last year I've worked a couple of jobs, one I loved the other I hated. The problem with both is that they weren't going anywhere and what with the graduate job market being what it is in the UK I couldn't see things picking up soon. So I got to thinking, drastic times call for drastic measures! I'm single, have some savings, I don't have any long term job prospects here, so why not just up and move to Germany? After all I speak the language and I've lived there before and loved it! 

I'd mulled it over for months, and really to many it seemed a pipe-dream, German friends telling me they'd never do something so crazy as that, well guess what it's happening! I've got everything in order except for one small detail, a job!

Yeah so I know this seems like a pretty major oversight, but don't panic just yet, at least I'm not panicking just yet. I've been sending out CVs on emails, applying to jobs online and gotten some pretty good responses, but the one downside is the fact I'm often told that they want to meet me in person so I need to be there. So that's why I'm not yet panicking. I hope they weren't just being polite and trying to use that as an excuse rather than tell me up-front that I just don't cut the mustard.

I also have another work dilemma, I mean, what should I do? Half of me thinks that I should try to find work in the office of a growing tech or engineering firm, perhaps something in customer relations or sales, and make a tonne of money. The other half thinks that I shouldn't sell my soul like that and try to find something that makes me happy and pays the bills. I'm not an overly materialistic kind of guy and I have no problem working 35 hours a week in a cafe for barely nothing. I just don't know what would make me happier. 

I also feel like working in a cafe or book-shop would be a total waste of £24,000 of student debt, surely I should be looking to contribute more to the national coffers whilst at the same time reaping the rewards of my labour, at least in a fiscal sense. I guess my biggest stumbling block is that as a kid I always thought I'd grow up to make lots of money and have a high-powered job, but now that I've grown up I'm pretty sure I'd hate it and I wonder if all the shiny gadgets and beautiful cars could make up for it. I mean, maybe? Right?

Help me out if you can blogger!

Montag, 24. September 2012

Wow so yesterday's blog got four views! Six today?

I got four views yesterday! YAY! I can't understand why though, but oh well that's awesome and I think I might stick to this blogging lark.

So maybe I should re-introduce myself. I'm Tom, 23, single, white, graduate, more than a little fat, fan of travel, languages, gastronomy and trying to make people laugh. It really sounds like I've got the whole package there doesn't it? I guess I do too in a tragic "if only you really knew sort of a way". Nah I'm playing I think I'm pretty cool with myself right now, sure yesterday was a blow to the system, but I think in reality I just dodged a pretty blancmange like bullet really.
I know I should be less judgemental but it's what society has programmed me to do, make snap decisions based almost entirely on external appearance. The message really being that nobody will buy a fugly assed book.

I digress, yes, so I'm moving back to Germany soon, this time to work there rather than just study, which if it all works out will be great. I can't help feel like I'm taking a huge risk just upping sticks and relocating to an entirely different country but at the same time I know I can't stay here in the UK not using my language and stewing in a dead-end job. I feel lied to really, my whole life I was told that if I tried hard in school, studied well at uni then despite the big debts at the end of it all would be a shiny well paid job with my name on. BULLSHIT. Well at least not in the UK anyway, so yeah, fuck this place!

I'm moving to Bremen and have a room lined up in a WG which should be great, one of my mates from Uni will be living with us too so I'll know someone which is amazing! I haven't really spent that much time in Bremen before, I've been for a couple of visits but that was with an ex of mine and I spent most of the time distracted by her. As for northern Germany as a whole I'm really not too sure what to expect, memory tells me it's pretty flat which is right up my street coming from Norfolk. Nobody has ever convinced me of the need for hills!

Another cool thing about Bremen is how close it is to The Netherlands and Denmark so I'm sure I'll be making some excursions for some pancakes and lego! If anyone reads this and has any tips for where to go leave a comment!

I'll be back tomorrow I'm sure so I'll sign off for now.


Sonntag, 23. September 2012


I just found this blog after a looooooong time! So what's changed? I'll put it in a list.

1. Still single, it's been 3 years since I last had a date.
2. I've graduated from uni, worked 2 jobs and shall shortly be moving back to Germany!
3. It turns out that twitter business has really taken off so perhaps I shouldn't have been so hasty back in '09

So I'm pretty much writing this to make up for the fact that I got friendzoned pretty hard today. I've been chatting to / flirting with this girl for a couple of weeks now and let's get one thing straight right from the get go, she's WAY below my league but even so I pursued it out of pure desperation thinking that perhaps women are like busses, which I guess they are, it's just they don't come along in twos, it's that they're huge and unreliable. So even though I felt like I was scraping the barrel I was ready to give her a shot, turns out though this troll princess prefers ex-cons with 2 kids. 

I honestly think my love life has been cursed, I just don't know what to do! After years of being told to be more confident I finally build up my confidence, it seems to be working, then once more I'm left high and dry. 

So let's focus on the positives, she's never going to see this because who reads blogs?

Donnerstag, 21. Januar 2010

Mmm well,

So okay, I MIGHT have said that the next blog would be written in the UK, and although that had very much been my intention I just didn't get round to it, alright?!
So yeah have been back in Germany a couple of weeks now. "So what's new?" I hear no body ask, well actually not so much, getting back into the swing of things with classes, the weather is much better too. I mean I love the snow as much as any small, easily entertained child, but really even the most awesome toy gets dull after a while so I have to admit I'm glad that the snow has mostly melted now.
After all that means spring is almost, nearly, shortly, begining, to consider thinking about arriving. Which is, as I have been lead to belive, a good thing. I think.
However it is still very much winter right now so I suppose I shouldn't get too ahead of myself!
Although it will be nice to ditch the big old leather coat!!
Ergh got two straight days of Mittelstufe, and yes that does mean class on a Saturday, for the first time in my life, ever.
If a lecturer is away back home they just send you an email of the class notes, or puts them up on Blackboard, here they move the class to the weekend because that's when they know when everyone is free. It's bullshit I tells you, bullshit!
Well that's the ranty bit over really, no actually, entirely.
So to end on a whimsical note, If we could build a car that could go from 0-60mph as fast as a woman can go from 0-Psycho, drag races would be over much, much quicker.

Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2009

As I was saying

Right, well its been almost two weeks since my maiden post. I'm still here in Germany having the time of my life, currently I'm in bed writting this blog listening to Pendulum, does it get much better than this? Probably. In fact, almost certainly. Hmm. Well anyways, that isn't the point, I'm having a great time, it is even snowy! Or, as I like to think of it, one big puddle waiting to happen.
This week has been fun, there has been Enchillada, Brauhaus, Kult and Christmas Market times spent with wonderful friends! Oh how we've laughed. Things are starting to wind down for christmas now, people heading off to all corners of the globe to be reunited with loved ones. (and those few odd relatives you only see once a year, who you don't really like and that you're pretty sure don't like you)
There's something i've been thinking about lately which is kind of incredible when you think about it. Four months ago I didn't even have the slightest, tiniest little clue about these people, who I would now count as some of the closest and dearest friends I've ever had the very good fortune to meet, but up until then we had been living in different parts of the country, different countries or even on different continents, and now we're all indespensible parts of one of what I'm sure will be the most memorable years of each other's lives. Yet here we are, for whatever reasons, we've all wound up studying at the exact same university at the same time. Not much when put like that I know, but when you consider the fact that almost all the decisions we've made throughout our whole lives have brought us together. What if we'd decided to go to a different university? took a different course? Chose not to go to university at all? Failed entrance exams ect ect? In essence our newly forged friendships have come about due to a simple tick of a box.
Well that was all a bit heavy but its just something that has me amazed! So anyways, I CANNOT WAIT for it all to kick off again in 2010!!!!
Wow 2010, sounds so futuristic doesn't it? I was starting high school in september of 2000, that should not be a whole decade ago, thats horrifying! I'M SO OLD! My bones feel like they're starting to crumble away into dusty remnants of what was my once young self. . . . well maybe I'm not that old yet, but christ on a bike ten years since I started high school, that definately firmly places me in the adult years, laaaaaaaame! Next stop desk job, perhaps find a wife, potentially have some children, stew for 40 years and die.

Yup one way ticket to death.

Although I do plan to do something that will make me immortal, not in a pysical sense but the idea of snotty nosed kids having to learn about me in school for millenia to come. I don't know what yet but I'm working on it, trust me!!!!

So anyways, that's about all I can think of for now and the next blog shall be written from the UK aaaaah kind of excited. Love you all and take care, and do take time to consider what the people whom you are yet to meet are up to right now, you never know they could just change your life!

Montag, 7. Dezember 2009

So, anyways

Wow a blog who'd a thunk it, eh? I like everyone else it seems, use twitter. (@tomwilliams88 Just so you know) but then it struck me, why bother with micro-blogging? Sometimes bigger REALLY IS better! For example, oh I don't know, just off the top of my head, pizza, or salaries, or rainbows or beds. Mmm yes, bigger is often better. So from micro-blogging to full on blogging, that's right from now on I'm stepping it up a gear.
Right now I'm wholly aware that I'm probably not talking to anyone, just myself and my laptop. It's 03:11 right now, I can hear the rain gently patter against the window of my small, but perfectly formed "einzelapartment" here in Würzburg Germany. Life is unquestionably good. I'm single, 21, living in a foreign country meeting new people experiencing new things and quite simply having the time of my life. I'll just give you all a break to get over your jealousy before I go on.
Right well that seems sufficient. I wonder how people can become minor celebrities through things like this. Do you think they just start off in some little starbucks in L.A. bitching about the other customers over their soy milk de-caff mochafrappalattes? Hmm there isn't even a Starbucks in this city, which honestly I think is something they should put on the signs as you come into town: Herzlich Willkommen in Würzburg, Gibt's hier noch kein Starbucks. Either as a warning or as a boast, depending on your view point, although I won't be disclosing mine here.

So anyways, there isn't a Starbucks here and it certainly isn't L.A. so I think I can say with a certain degree of well, erm, certainty that this blog won't be the catalyst that sends me soaring to new and previously unimaginable levels of celebrity. Which is nice, I'm kind of comfy here in my little single bed snuggled under the covers listening to the rain hit my window, completely and blissfully annonymous.
Make of it what you will, whoever you are, but there is a lot to say for not sticking out in a crowd. Much happiness can be found sat in the corner of a busy cafe reading a paper, or pretending to read as the case may be, and just covertly taking in the comings and goings around you. Spare a thought for the poor old Chameleon though, he's famous for blending in, which surely defeats the whole purpose, right? I wouldn't want to be him, that's all I'm saying.
So what can one take from the last couple of minutes they have spent reading my blog?
1. Bigger is sometimes better
2. Blending in is good
3. Chameleons have it tough!